Thursday, August 27, 2015

Not sure this is what they meant by employee empowerment...

Now, I doubt anyone except my boss reads this, but just in case...

My boss at my day job has been my best friend since we were eight. She's been my bestie for literally 2/3 of my lifespan and to this day, (fck if I know why,) puts up with and helps me fight through all my sht. She's like a sister I actually like, and I don't know what I'd do without her behind me. I now I work for her. Fck me, right? (Kidding. It's actually great. Even though she pelts me with stale bagels if I don't refill the dairy dispenser.)

We're this tight. And just as Irish, kehd.
I'm obviously Renner, Shan.
Coke and XBox.
Or... Tacos and Steam.

Anyway, during downtime between crazed coffee craving hordes, I mentioned to her how much I've been reading; about 2-3 books a week. And she asked me, "Why don't you like, write? Three books a week?" While I quickly rebuffed that question with the inevitability of any effort to do so literally killing me, girl made a valid point.

I've been seriously neglecting my writing for far too long. Things in my life have been turbulent, but it's coming around to a sense of reluctant acceptance and apathetic balance. And that's where I need to be to write. I know, I know, the best material and inspiration comes from times of emotional vulnerability, but I think it becomes too personal when I write in that frame of mind. I find it works better for me, and my imaginary friends, if I revisit those feelings for inspiration, rather than immediately refine them into literary babbling.

I want to go on the Martha's Vineyard writer's retreat next year. It's a week on the Vineyard, where I've never been, (I'm a bad Masshole!) with room, board, and a week of workshops and seminars and an option to have a manuscript read and reviewed by published authors. While I probably won't know who any of them are, and more than probably won't have read anything they've written, it certainly wouldn't hurt to get a professional and established eye to look over my garbage.

Nothing more inspiring than wood sculptures of sea murder!
I'm Rhody at heart. And we know all about this sht.

Until then, I need like a day or two off, (see that, boss?! LOL No, J/K, I need money.) to just apply ass to chair and get sht done. I've coached a Facebook friend on his writing and find that I should take my own damn advice. I told him that all first drafts are shit, and the best thing you can do is lay out the staging for the figurative mansion. And each rework of that draft staging is adding more wings, more secret passages, sprucing the garden, bathing and feeding the servants properly... wait, you mean rich people don't have indentured servants anymore? ... Oh.

I figure I'd oblige the internet by using a meme to illustrate a common comment;
(Translation; Original Poster is a fag.)

I think I'm going to finish reading what I just started today, the series I have the first book of, then read something I bought with intent to inspire further work on my NaNoWriMo project, and get to it. So... two weeks?

Reading, will read, inspiration.

         <--- Wicked stoked for this one.               
- RaRa out.

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