Wednesday, June 3, 2015

I realized something today.

See, I have this problem. I own a Kindle. And it's pretty well stocked. I often pick up a book or two off my wishlist when they're on sale just because. (Buying from Amazon is a problem in and of itself, to be addressed another time.) But I feel as though I can't be a proper hipster book nerd if I can't show off the cool/new/edgy/relevant title I'm reading. How will people -know- I'm progressive and intelligent and cultured if they can't SEE that I'm reading IQ84? How will people -know- that I'm better at books than they are if they can't SEE that I'm reading (and lugging around) a beaten up gargantuan copy of Atlas Shrugged or a Dostoevsky whatever? 

Depending on what exactly is popular, or becoming a movie, 
that might actually be a good thing.

I feel like while a Kindle or other e-reader is beyond convenient, environmentally conscious, and an inevitable evolution of the book industry, it's not the same as holding a book in your hand. It's not the same conversation starter as seeing the cover of what someone's reading and thinking "Wow, I loved/am curious about/am reading/like the look of that book. I should chat them up!" While my Kindle cover is quite pretty, it doesn't show off what I'm reading. And I think that's part of the point. That's part of the socialization of book nerds. Usually being awkward agoraphobes that escape into make believe worlds because our lives are crap and everyone in them is a drooling moron, our opportunity for interaction with our fellow book nerds, intellectuals, progressives, adventurers, is limited by its very essence.

Here's the point. When I read a book now, I usually try to get it on my Kindle, and a tangible copy. I'll always have it on my phone, I'll have it on my Kindle in case I don't have a light source, and I'll have a paper copy when Skynet happens.

And it will. 
I want to have plenty to read while waiting for whatever actor currently playing John Connor saves us. 

I almost want to go out to the most public places I can think of and just sit there proudly displaying my tangible book, almost as if it's like glorious peacock feathers inviting conversation. Not like anyone would care. Because I read whatever the shit I want, not necessarily popular best sellers or relevant collegiate literature. I like dudes and chicks with swords and clockwork goggles and fancy hats. And heroes(ines) with snarky attitudes you're not sure you'd trust with people you love. And post apocalyptic wastelands where shit gets fcking real. And magicians back from Hell hanging out in LA. But no one will know unless I can show off my cover!

... But then I'd -really- be a hipster literary asshole instead of just masquerading as one.

Hey, ebook companies. Invent a protective cover that displays the book jacket of whatever book file we're reading. Preferably in full color. And not stupid expensive. I'd Kickstart the fck out of it.

All $3 of it (after bills, food, and rent.)


(Currently reading.)