Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Didn't hate it. Didn't love it. All YA's the same to me.

Simply, elementary, childish sentences. Very definitive with single dimension characters, unless you're magically Divergent. Of course. Which everyone probably will be by the end. Or dead. Something noble like that, since it seems to be a theme at this point.

Not going to bother with spoilers, Or a detailed review, because it was meh at best. Better than Twilight. About on the same level, entertaining wise, as Mortal Instruments, but slightly dumbed down.

My OCD is making me read the next two, as I could get through the first one, and god dammit.

Why are the pierced/tattooed/different people depicted as violent, brutish, drunken delinquents that are easily brainwashed? Why can't people that look different never actually be perceived and characterized as inherently bad? Cop out for describing them as the "bad" ones.

I should outline my YA scale at some point; SURPRISE; Twilight is at the bottom. XD

Ugh. Onto Insurgent, I guess. ... After some League of Legends.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Daylight War (Kinda) But mostly: Books -> Movies; yay or nay?

I finished Daylight War. And let's just say. CLIFF HANGER MUCH?! If you read it, you'll get it.

I'm not super duper into this series post first book, as I really, really hate the pseudo Middle Eastern Krasians and the rampant rape culture throughout the last half of Painted/Warded Man, Desert Spear, and Daylight War. It feels as though Brett went for budding feminism, but missed the mark. Maybe I'm just jaded, or an ignorant American, but I've never been and never will be pro-polygamy or accepting of rape, in any circumstance, or subjugation/objectification of women, whether or not it makes/breaks characters. I think it's a crutch for authors to use to give characters reasons to be strong, or to fall into their weaknesses, even excuse or define cultures too plainly. I'm not a fan of rape and pseudo-feminism being used as a story arc or plot device, in any event, and I personally try avoid both reading and writing it. THE SERIES IS NOT ALL ABOUT RAPE, it just... feels like an erotic/romance novel jammed into an hopefully unintentionally misogynist fantasy, and that's not what I signed up for. There's too much of it for me not to mention it as a major flaw, in my opinion. Don't get me started on the bullshit the Republicans are pulling, lately...BUT. Before this becomes an off topic rant ...

I'm also not happy about how Brett's making me split my allegiance between the two protagonists, as I'd prefer Arlen to be the 100% good and Jardir the 100% bad, but that's probably why he wrote them as he did. No spoilers, just a basic premise; both Arlen and Jardir have ended up being the respective spiritual leaders of their cultures, on the same side of a war but not fighting unified; Arlen, begrudgingly, Jardir with bells on and waving sparklers. Jardir got his power the "normal," legitimate way (arguable, but that's a spoiler,) while Arlen fell into his out of necessity, lack of option, and needing a way to survive.

Inevera; wife of Ahmanarama lama ding dong flibbty floo Jardir, named for the first wife of Everam.
Krasian; The Will of Everam (god.)
Steph-anese: Terrible figure of pseudo-feminism; total backfire.

Know what, no. Screw the rules. I'm Team Arlen all the way. I hope it doesn't end like I think it does. Because I will be so mad. Be warned, Brett. I will be so SO MAD if you go where I think you're planning to. SO. MAD.

And I'm very not happy about the turn the whole series took about two thirds through the first book. But that's probably me being hypersensitive and too lazy to fully explore and explain my problem with subjugation of women as a plot device. So, deal with it.

But with that out of the way, as I promised I'd do a mini review for that, I'm thinking I need to read Divergent before the movie comes out. Because I'm That Guy.

Except for Twilight. Because fuck that shit.
And City of Bones. I read that, (why, I don't know,) because that movie bombed. As it should have.

I'm stone cold one of those book is better than the movie types; mostly because I believe that most people are lazy, and use the excuse of a movie to not read the book. Also applies to those that won't see foreign films because "I don't go to movies to read." I won't bother to list how many recent movies alone were adaptations that changed things completely from the source material, left out vital parts, or didn't really do the book any justice whatsoever. Even the great film adaptations, like Harry Potter, and to a lesser extent, Battle Roya- The Hunger Games, left much to be desired for fans of the books. Mostly minor details, or things not necessary to carry the story, but reading the book, you'll watch it and be like: Where's this character? She didn't say that, or he didn't do that, this character did, and etc.

Which is why I'm praying to Cthulu that the movie adaption of Sandman Slim isn't as bad as I'm expecting it to be. You can't manage to take so much material, such an amazing world, and confine it to one movie. A: they won't have the budget they need, B: there's soooo much material, and C: Kadrey's had bad luck with his work becoming film. Here's to hoping. (And hoping that they cast me as Candy. Not that they will, but god dammit, I can fit the part to a T; just gotta get my hair did.)

I know nothing about Divergent except for the basic premise, which I said "Oh, you mean Hunger Games all over again?" while reading. Yes, Hunger Games did well. Collins claims it wasn't based off of Battle Royale. OK, fine. I'll take that. But Divergent sounds like it's trying to capitalize on the success of Hunger Games. I'll give it a shot, though. Hunger Games wasn't a total disappointment, despite me thinking BattleRoyaleBattleRoyale the entire time. I read YA books so quickly it's laughable, mostly because many examples of that genre are vapid and shallow and don't need me to pay too much attention.

Except for one series. Which will get its own entry. Because I was amazed that it was YA and I LOVED it.

Soon. <3

I've got until March 21st to read Divergent, and potentially the other two books as well. If I don't put a bullet in my head after trying to get through the first. Then I'll probably start on my Harper Voyaging.

Movie date anyone? Don't mind me making comments under my breath and scribbling in my notebook the entire time.